Monday, April 13, 2015

Aviation Organizations

Aviation Organizations

Finding a good job in the aviation industry is difficult. Yes, jobs may be on the rise, but it might not be based on what you know. More and more jobs are becoming available to people who have an “in”. Whether that “in” is an employee working for the company already, or possibly someone they met while they were involved in aviation related association. All through my collegiate career, we have been told to join associations and be involved in the industry. The reason behind this idea is to get your name out there so people know who you are. “If you are interested in furthering your career, joining a professional association is a good start” (Cherwin, 2015). If people you meet in an association think highly of you, they will likely give you a good recommendation or even help you find a job. “Joining a professional organization is a great way to learn about different aviation careers from people who actually work in aviation” (Professional Organizations, 2015).

With my major in Aviation Management, there are two associations that really stick out, and likely will join if I am employed in the aviation industry. The first one I would look into would be the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE). According to the AAAE, if you are a member you can become certified in specific categories inside an airport, they offer job opportunities, and they provide training and professional development for members. The second association that I would consider joining would be, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) or possibly a state specific organization like Michigan Aviation Association (MAA).

The main mission or function for AAAE is to train and certify employees or future aviation employees. According to Kenneth Szymanski, becoming a member of AAAE is one of the smartest decisions you can make, if you want to have a career in aviation. Being trained and certified is very important, especially for future employees. Most new management personal will come out of college with a bachelor’s degree, but that does not mean that they are certified or ready for the responsibilities of that position. However, if you have your bachelor’s and become properly certified, not only will you be more desirable when applying for a position, but you will also know what it rakes to meet those job requirements. The reason I would consider becoming a member of a state specific association like MAA, is because; you will stay current on the different regulations and news that is happening in the aviation industry in that state. NBAA would be an association I would consider joining if I were to receive a position in business aviation. NBAA offers a Certified Airport Manager (CAM) program (Certified Aviation Manager Program, 2015), and if you are a member you receive a number of benefits, such as: Representation, Networking, Education and development, along with Access to Industry Experts (Member Benefits, 2015).

As I mentioned before, finding a job in aviation is not necessarily based on what you know, but whom you know. Belonging to an association will allow you to network, and create friends, who are already in the aviation industry. Being able to network yourself will increase your probability of finding a job. Not only will finding jobs become easier, but also have the opportunity to become certified. In my opinion, I find this extremely important. It should make you more desirable and it will also increase your knowledge about the industry.


"American Association of Airport Executives." American Association of Airport Executives. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2015. <>.

"Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) Program." Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) Program. National Business Aviation Association, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2015. <>.

Cherwin, Kelly. "Why Join a Professional Association?" Why Join a Professional Association? HigherEdJobs, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015. <>.

"Member Benefits." National Business Aviation Association, n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2015. <>.

"Professional Organizations." Professional Organizations. North Central Texas Council of Governments, n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. <>.

Szymanski, Kenneth. 2014 Non-formal interview

1 comment:

  1. I am one hundred percent with you in your belief that it is not what you know, but who you know. By establishing social connections within an association you will not be the only one advocating for yourself when it comes time for you to seek employment.
